Its been a while since I posted my last post! Heheh...I can say it was last yr 2006 :) Well when I first created this blog, I had so many ideas... sorta like a vision - many posts, pictures, stories, events etc. Well folks, I have yet again done it :D but this time I have a valid excuse. I was really busy with travel this month. To put it short - NYC for new yrs, Seattle & Vancouver for personal business, Denver to meet up with my good old Echostar intern friends and lastly Vegas to recover all the money I spent! :D Btw that's sajay aka "dumb pog" in the picture on top. We are chilling in a lounge in NYC. On the bottom, I am trying to look cool in stanley park with the Vancouver city showing in the background.

With all the travelling I have been doing in the airplane, I came up with an interesting question: why does it take shorter time to travel from west to east than from east to west? Is it the wind? rotation of earth? or is it just that I cannot read the time on my watch?