This morning I woke up, being quite restless. I tried to analyze the situation in my bed! What is it that is bothering me? It's not Notre Dame loss to USC! It's not my tummy hurting! It’s not the flu either. Heck I don’t even think it's my clock going "tick-tick" which bothers me occasionally. Usually one of first things I do when I wake up, is go check my cell phone for either missed calls or perhaps any interesting sms messages. Heck it wasn’t even that! Until my eye caught the date on my phone, it read 26 Nov, 2006.
The LAST day of my thanksgiving break! I remember myself sitting in my cubical Monday morning before thanksgiving staring at the work piling up on my desk. I said to myself, "No one works this week. There are only 2 days left!” I was so looking forward to this break, infact I had planned out a series of events that I would do. I landed up doing none of those. I had slept on my bed so much that I was sick of it and yet I had managed not to get up. Matter of fact, I am still in my bed debating whether I should throw in that extra hour to make it another 12 hour straight or just get up and get rolling on my errands. Something tells me the former will win.